Sunday, May 8, 2011

Skeinforging along

Well I thought I might just give an update on what has been happening.

Getting the Tangleball computer working satisfactionaly, and after many weeks, got it working, even with RepSnapper, yay. It took so long because he comupter is a P4 single core, with about 512MB of RAM, so it becomes painfully slow doing anything.

I put in the new hot end, and it works wonderfully, I can get a constant stream of extrusion on demand, every time.

Now onto Skeinforge, I will haveto replace the Python on the computer with 2.5, because PyPsyco is not supported with version 2.7 :(

I put in basic settings on Friday after work,, and after a long time of slicing and dicing, it failed to turn the stepper motor for the extruder, I believe it is the flow rate.

Lydna from idealog would have liked to caught up with me to do an interview about me and the RepRap with Tangleball, but did not get time to do that, so I shall fling her a post by email.

1 comment:

  1. depending on your firmware, there are two ways to turn the extruder, if you have 4d firmware, its just a move in the e axis you need to enable Dimension, if not then you need to convert the PWM commands to RPM commands. ie either get and use rpmfy or skirt, the latter also includes an rpmfy functionality
